Wegschauen macht mitschuldig: Deutschland und die Syrienkrise

Dies ist ein crosspost eines Beitrags, der zuerst auf dem Blog Alsharq (arabisch fĂŒr „Der Osten“) erschienen ist.

Die Bundesrepublik muss ihrer internationalen Verantwortung gerecht werden und sich im Zuge der Syrien-Konferenz in Genf aktiv fĂŒr eine friedliche Beilegung des syrischen BĂŒrgerkrieges engagieren. Dabei ist die neue Bundesregierung eigentlich in einer guten Position, um eine diplomatische Mittlerrolle zwischen den Konfliktparteien und den internationalen Akteuren zu ĂŒbernehmen. Weiterlesen

Below the Surface: Federalism and State Party Autonomy in the U.S.

A key assumption coming out of the 2012 presidential election in the U.S. was that polarization of the party system was, once again, increasing dramatically. The 2012 campaign was immediately dubbed the most polarized and partisan yet – a familiar declaration given that 2008, 2004, and 2000 had also been dubbed the most polarized elections of their respective times. Uniquely, though, instead of justifying this declaration solely on the basis of presidential candidates‘ positions the platforms themselves were also held up as key evidence. ((See, e.g., NY Times 29.8.2012, 05.09.2012; Washington Times 27.08.2012; Chicago Tribune 27.08.2012, 05.09.2012.)) The question, then, is the extent to which the polarization of the 2012 election reported by media sources reflected actual levels of polarization. Using newly coded party manifesto data ((You can find a brief introduction to the manifesto project here))  from the 2012 national level elections, we show that (contrary to popular opinion) polarization levels for the 2012 elections were relatively stable. The overall trend in polarization for the U.S. remains unchanging and the party system is not suffering from great increases in overall polarization levels. Weiterlesen

Gesucht: Zwei studentische HilfskrĂ€fte fĂŒr das MARPOR-Projekt!

Unsere Abteilung sucht fĂŒr die Mitarbeit im Projekt „MARPOR Manifesto Research on Political Representation“ zwei wissenschaftliche HilfskrĂ€fte ab dem 01.03.2014. Eine Beschreibung des Projektes, die wir hier auf dem Blog veröffentlicht haben, findet ihr hier. Und die vollstĂ€ndige Stellenausschreibung ist hier. Bewerbungsschluß ist der 23.01.2014!

A shot across the bow or already sinking? The Free Democratic Party after the 2013 Federal Election

This is a crosspost from the Winter newsletter from eustudies.org. You can find the complete newsletter with more interesting reports on the last Federal Elections in Germany here .

The 2013 Federal Election in Germany brought a landslide victory for the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and her Bavarian sister party the Christian Social Union (CSU) – or maybe, more accurately, for Chancellor Angela Merkel. This success came only as a surprise regarding its magnitude. On the other hand, the fact that the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a new party rallying around EU- and Euro-skeptical issues, came close to the five percent threshold caused at least some public exclamation. Looking to the past and future of Germany’s party system and the nature of political competition in Germany, even the sudden success of the AfD was easily topped by the failure of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) to ensure parliamentary representation. Since the foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the FDP has won enough votes to enter parliament. Weiterlesen