The European Union: Too much democracy, too little or both?

By Richard Rose

This blog post was originally posted on the Oxford University Press.

In a symbolic gesture toward creating an ever closer Union, the EuropeanUnion conferred citizenship on everyone who was also a subject of one of its member states. However, the rights of European citizens are more like those of subjects of a the pre-1914 Germain Kaiser than of a 21st century European democracy. Citizens have the right to vote for members of the European Parliament (EP) but this does not make the EU’s governors accountable as is the case in a normal parliamentary democracy. The result is a democratic deficit. Weiterlesen

“Is capitalism compatible with democracy?” Vortrag von Wolfgang Merkel in Lissabon

Unter dem provokanten Titel “Is capitalism compatible with democracy?” hat Wolfgang Merkel am 6. November einen Vortrag am Instituto UniversitĂĄrio de Lisboa (ISCTE) gehalten. Die Veranstaltung wurde von ISCTE und der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung organisiert.

Die Folien und das Video des Vortrages findet ihr hier.