Die SPD wird in den deutschen Bundestagswahlen kaum zur stÀrksten Partei, sagt Politologe Wolfgang Merkel.
Das folgende Interview ist zuerst am 27.05.2017 in der Schweizer Tageszeitung Der Bund erschienen.
Das folgende Interview ist zuerst am 27.05.2017 in der Schweizer Tageszeitung Der Bund erschienen.
The recent electoral decline of social democratic parties has sparked a
debate about potential reasons for this development. This debate largely focuses on supposedly declining mainstream left support among the working class. However, in order to fully understand the electoral dynamics of social democratic support, it is crucial to take the preferences of the educated middle class into account. Following Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, parties of the mainstream left necessarily need to provide open, universal and pro-EU platforms to appeal to this group. If they do not, then this can have grave electoral consequences. Recent developments in the Netherlands, France and Germany illustrate this dynamic argues Tarik Abou-Chadi from Humboldt University Berlin.