„Linksliberale Hegemonie und Hybris“

Im Interview mit dem IPG Journal steht WZB-Direktor Wolfgang Merkel Rede und Antwort:
Es geht um die Polarisierung der Politik und den Niedergang der Volksparteien, aber auch um den Erfolg der GRÜNEN, Meinungsfreiheit, die liberale Dominanz im öffentlichen Diskurs und demokratische Innovationen.

Online nachzulesen kann man das Interview hier:


Quo vadis SPD?

Wolfgang Merkel spricht im Talk der “Stiftung Demokratie Saarland” (SDS) ĂŒber die Krise der Sozialdemokratie, Gender mainstreaming & eine Politik der Anerkennung.

Das ganze Interview im Video


The Slovak Presidential Elections: A Tale of Two Strategies

by Seongcheol Kim

The first round of the Slovak presidential elections took place on March 16, 2019, with Zuzana Čaputová of Progressive Slovakia and Smer-backed Maroơ Ơefčovič advancing to the second round taking place on March 30. WZB researcher Seongcheol Kim examines the contrasting discursive strategies of the two candidates in the election campaign thus far, especially their competing attempts to appeal to conservative voters.

sources: David Duducz for Glob.sk and Jozef Jakubčo for SME

Rethinking Partisanship

By Carlos Meléndez and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser

Partisanship is not only about feeling close to but also about rejecting political parties. To test this idea, Carlos Meléndez and WZB Democracy guest researcher Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser measure positive, negative and anti-establishment political identities in contemporary Chile and they find out that by examining these different types of partisanship one can get a much more accurate picture of how voters relate to the political world.

Quelle: kieferpix/iStock/Getty Images Plus
