Eyes wide shut: The CDU/CSU’s ignorance of Orbán’s illiberal politics

By Zsuzsanna VĂ©gh and Malisa Zobel

The re-election of Viktor OrbĂĄn and his Fidesz party in the April 2018 national parliamentary elections in Hungary has reinstated pressure on democracy in the European Union as it has reinforced a leader who has been systematically curbing political freedoms and civic liberties ever since in power. While such developments in Poland have quickly prompted criticism and action from the EU institutions, the democratic backsliding in Hungary could unfold without major obstacles since 2010. In their guest contribution, Zsuzsanna VĂ©gh and Malisa Zobel argue that OrbĂĄn’s Christian democratic allies in Germany, the CDU/CSU, bear a particular responsibility in the process: their continued reluctance to set and enforce red lines further facilitates the dismantling of Hungarian democracy.

Quelle: MikhailMishchenko/iStock /Getty Images
